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Dragon Slayers Conquerors of Darkness game, effectively emphasizes the importance of THE WORD & PRAYER (aka our WEAPONS OF WARFARE)!  It encourages reading, studying & greatly assists in scripture memorization. It solidly teaches, throughout "game play", moral values/wise choices & shows how vital our prayer lives are! The more you play, it becomes extremely apparent; How essential the ROLES OF THE WORD, PRAYER & putting on the FULL ARMOR* are for daily living.  During play you'll see the significance of each element...individually, but more importantly - collectivelyALL components are crucial for the development of a vibrant, personal, intimate relationship with our God & Father, His Son, our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ & the precious Holy Spirit!  Please know, this has NOTHING to do with RELIGION... it's ALL about RELATIONSHIP!

 *Don't know what Full Armor is? - suggested reading; Ephesians 6:10-18 !

 Although our motto is: "We're playing games, while Driving THE TRUTH Home", we find nothing playful about the "highways" on which the majority of society's traveling!  It alarms us to see our children doing much more than occasionally, making wrong turns...fact is, some are barreling down those same worldly roads, at record speeds...with their brakes failing!!

Because of the board games' mass appeal & it's ability to cleverly & subconciously impart information, we've concluded, it's a perfect VEHICLE with which to drive scriptural TRUTHS home & an 'acceptable weapon', with which to express our "Righteous road rage"! Concurrently, we believe the implementation of ANY (GODLY) means necessary, in order to stop this hideous seduction of our youth, can be considered fair GAME!

Folks! Let's not be blind...our children are ever so cleverly being lured/'schooled' , distracted & attracted through/by various types of medium (paper & electronic), with a myriad of colorful, beguiling & attractive wrappings & trappings, dangling the bait via television, radio, songs, music, computers, handheld devices, social media, gaming systems, etc. - all playing on their need for acceptance & belonging! Why did you know, school books are being used??? books!!!  These masterfully executed seductions lull our children & often us, into contradictory behaviors, some, coddling & cosseting to the point of complacency...even apathy! Tragically, we continue to "Play" into the enemies & the world's hands - surprisingly with our 'eyes wide open'!

 Traffic Jams Org. is offering a viable alternative, where vibrant face to face, eye to eye, spirited verbal interaction & communication is encouraged; attempting to bring families together, so as to share their questions, thoughts, opinions, concerns, joys, pains & tender heart experiences in a very non-threatening way; while, quietly imparting God's Word, Love, Truth, Character, & values through game play...using 'life examples/scenarios', reinforced through repetition!  We're hoping to bring families 'Back to the Table', for wholesome spiritual food!

Sadly, something wonderfully personal was lost with the invention of "video gaming"; we're hoping to recapture it!! Those of us who "TRAFFIC" in any form of instruction/teaching (insert parents & grandparents here); should consider capitalizing on the fact - most kids are radical game enthusiast!  Statistics tell us: hours SPENT in 'solitary video gaming', phone/texting/computer/TV, far outweighs the collective time INVESTED in quality family interaction/sharing, laughter, story telling, reading aloud, or just conversing & enjoying one another!   Sadly, on occasion, outdoor sports/club affiliations are participated in, in order to avoid meaningful connections!  Daily we "scramble about", rushing around, busying ourselves with so much of the "necessary", that day's end, we create a type of 'gridlock' within our homes; tragically to the NEGLECT of those "things" that are MOST IMPORTANT; tired & exhausted, with no energy left to INVEST in ourselves...let alone our children!  One of our solutions, seems to be, let's buy them something to entertain themselves with (no matter how much the cost & the cost can be STEEPER than we think) - now...please hand me the remote!   And to our kids we say, "tomorrow, ok sweetheart?"  Yet another day's not promised!   And the Bible? Family devotions??  Who has time for that???  Besides...we go to church every Sunday!  Well - almost every Sunday...well-llll, we go there "alot"!


Considering most of us learn through repetition & more readily so when relaxed or at play, we, at Traffic are hoping you'll see the intrinsic value of the WORD imparted this "WAY"!  We know teaching solid Biblical values to little children, as well as, "older little children", can seem quite daunting at times; we're confident this new approach will take some of the challenges out of doing so!  Actually, we see a VERY promising possibility - Dragon Slayers Conquerors of Darkness being used like "jumper cables" (or more appropriately roadside "SERVICES" in a box)! 


 Regrettably, over the years, it's been our experience to see HEALTHY INSTRUCTION  'stall out' - oft times BEFORE WE'VE EVER...LEFT THE CHURCH PARKING LOT!  Why-y-y coupled with our SUNDAY MORNING "PIT STOPS" , (where we just IDLE in our pews), it's a wonder we ever TRULY "get into gear"; LIVING our lives like God intended...out there..."where the rubber meets the road!!"  Please know, we're not trying to replace or circumvent reading the WORD/Bible study, instead, we're hoping our game(s) will be like salt & give people a thirst for it, or perhaps become a compass, pointing to Him, or a GPS; showing children, teens & adults - GODLY detours & alternate routes off the world's "Low way" unto the redemptive, restorative, exciting HIGH.. .WAY, THE TRUTH & THE LIFE! (Jn 14:6)'s desire is to help clear the congested 'highways' & assist disabled "CARS" (insert people here) to get back on the "RIGHTeous ROAD"; in an effort to keep sound instruction CONTINUALLY MOVING & FLOWING (in/through our hearts, minds & lives); So we may be, as JESUS said, "about OUR FATHER'S business".


We're hoping, through the excellent quality & soundness of our products to edify God & gain your trust!  We plan to remain consistent - operating with the utmost integrity!  Our ultimate goal's to give our youth alternatives to the objectionable violence, gore, division & subtle "subjugation" - that's being propagated within our industry, while bringing Glory to Our God & Savior, becoming more like Jesus through investing time with Him in prayer & His Word (studying to show ourselves approved), in order to represent our Lord & His Kingdom with love, mercy, kindness, grace, integrity, & humility; honorably striving, with His guidance, to help bridge the gap & FILL THE TANK of a confused, aimless, wayward world, THAT CONTINUES TO "RUN ON EMPTY"!

 Dragon Slayers Conquerors of Darkness®is a Registered Trademarked & © product

Copyright © 2005 - 2024 all rights reserved


THE GREAT COMMISSION - THE MINISTRY - THE MISSION to point to the CROSS (in the road), so as to make "The WAY" clear, expanding the dimensions of teaching/learning "THE TRUTH" through game play - utilizing an 'old friend' in a unique & innovative way!  Using 'covert operations' to expose, forestall & thwart many of the enemys' dark schemes!  Supplying years of strategically gathered CHILD FRIENDLY reconnaissance in the form of a game box! 

History's taught us...the collapse of the family, is the ruin of a nation!  There's a constant barrage of information & misinformation, coming from SEVERAL directions - ALL MEANT TO DIVIDE our nation, our homes, our relations, our hearts, our souls, our minds, "THE BODY"...working through whatever means available!  These dark, twisted, schematic attacks, stem from many sources; some come from 'without' - but sadly, MOST orginate from WITHIN - insidiously, silently destroying our 'foundations', quietly like termites, unnoticed until the damage is overwhelming & sadly, many times irreversible. 

Why does history...our personal histories, have to CONTINUALLY repeat themselves?  Why do we have these tendencies to seek the wrong types of "saviors"?  Why's the church looking more & more like the world?  The present state of our nation, our communities, our lives, should let us know, there must be some type of 'enemy' -- (aside from the one who's IN-uh-ME); one who's exceptionally brilliant in the abilities to ensnare & deceive!  { 'and no marvel; for satan himself IS transformed into an angel of light, 2 Co 11:14}.  Remember, at one time, he WAS part of heavens' hierarchy! {'How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning, how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!'  Isaiah 14:12 }.  If sinless man was bamboozled (Adam/Eve), then frankly...who are we!!

Our desire is to help shed some LIGHT (on all of this), by providing parents & children with another way to "Conquer the Darkness", letting them know...{ (y)our struggle is not against flesh & blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world & against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Eph 6:12 }.  Until HE comes, let's continue to promote Unity of THE SPIRIT through the bond of Peace; ever admonishing THE BODY (you & I) to Lovingly support itself & it's many wounded, PRAYER-fully & consistently, through various means - supporting & encouraging ALL, who CONTINUALLY STAND - remaining Upright, Faithful & Uncompromising on our "Front lines"! { Is 61:1; I Th 5:4-13 }


Copyright 2005-2024 all rights reserved 



Dragon Slayer sent by his LORD & KING!

Dragon Slayers Conquerors of Darkness® (for ages 5 & up)
  • announces - We're "in active labor" & "moments away" from having our 1st "Baby"! Perseverance w/ promise (Hebrews 12:1-3)! Over 5 yrs in the making; 25 in the perfecting!
  • Introduced @ CBA in Colorado & Pasadena Convention Cntr w/on-air broadcast! Consistently the busiest vendor booth! 
  • Did "pre'sales" from prototype! Asked to produce in other languages!
  • Random marketing workup done by Mattel, Inc.; who proclaimed, "could be 2nd to Monopoly in sales with just as long a life span"! 
  • "One of the most mathematically perfect pieces of work I've seen" (author of Christian family/relationships books).
  • 'It was my pleasure to work on this project' (artist now working with Disney Studios)

Why so long?'s all in His timing, both the work and HIS "WORKING ON" those, working on "the work";
Secondarily, it's about content, quality - but MOST IMPORTANTLY - Biblical accuracy!

Side note, if you're further wondering about, why not past, we've prayerful examined several offers for financial assistance, as well as, free promotion, but declined, (sensing God's "stop signs" within)!  NOTHING in God's Kingdom revolves around mammon!  We MUST ALL be extremely sensitive to God's "voice"/promptings in every aspect of life, especially when representing Him/His Kingdom, but, expressly by way of 'printed' materials that may/will be used for teaching/instruction of others, particularly children!!

 Initially, when given the 'Vision', there were NO "Christian" games (or toys)! Today, there's definitely a place for us!   It's been an uphill struggle of GREAT magnitude - yet exposing darkness ALWAYS COMES with INTENSE RESISTANCE & MUCH OPPOSITION!!
"DSCD" (aka Dragon Slayers Conquerors of Darkness) is truly distinctive, having the inimitable characteristic of the one who plays - game play's as "individual, unique" as the "KNIGHT of LIGHT"/dragon slayer" - also, amazingly...never plays the same way twice & has an infinite number of ways to be won - giving a brand new dimension to each GAME EXPERIENCE!
TRAFFIC JAMS - Truth Revealed Applied Forestalls Families In Crisis  -  Jesus Atonement My Santification
  • We're confident you'll have years of enjoyment! DSCD's extremely innovative, congruently graceful & timeless in concept!
  •  Conceived in prayer, forged in persistence, designed with the utmost assiduity -
Dragon Slayers Conquerors of Darkness - a board game of superior content & quality!

Appreciate your stopping by!  Questions & comments are encouraged!!
UPDATE: Week of 3/01/24 - we are moving forward with 2nd lot/production/print Thank you!
MJ "Jess" Abrahams
Owner/Creator/Projects Director

Email addys:  or
or view profile to correspond via LinkedIn: M Jessie "MJ" Abrahams

 And ....PLEASE - Don't forget the hypen or "S" our web address!